This is a portable auriculotherapy device with magnifier, which can used for the auricular point locating and acupuncture It is widely used by auriculo therapy practioner or used at home for health care.
Auricular points are some certain stimulating spots or areas on the auricle. The distribution of auricular points on the auricle is just like a fetus with the head downwards and the buttocks upwards. The distribution of auricular points is as follows: Points located on the lobule and around it are related to the head and facial region, those on the scapha to the upper limbs, those on the antihelix and its two crura to the trunk and lower limbs, those in the cavum and cymba conchae to the internal organs, and those arranged as a ring around helix crus to the digestive tract.
1) Stainless steel
2) Professional acupuncture tools
3) Silivery
4) Very durable
5) pacakge: 1pc/bag