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The magical effect of Chinese medicine scraping

Author : Date : 1/15/2019 2:23:55 PM
There is a folk saying: "The back is often scraped and lived to eighty-eight."
When it comes to scraping, most people think of the effect of regulating blood circulation, promoting blood circulation, relieving collaterals, and exorcism and detoxification. But can you live to 88 without frequent scraping?
The survey found that people who often scraped, the least lived to 84, the largest lived to 103 years old, and people who often scraped were rarely sick.
Scraping can remove the garbage and waste deposited on the blood vessel wall. It can be said that each time the scraping is done, the toxins in the body will be reduced and the blood will be purified.
Heat and dehumidification: bladder
Bladder: When talking about heat and moisture, there is a meridian that can be described as the "main force", that is, the bladder, which is the body's largest detoxification, and can also adjust the various problems of the waist and legs.
Method: It is very simple. If you are at home, you can find a small porcelain spoon with soup to replace the scraping board, and then prepare a little olive oil. Apply olive oil to the back to lubricate. Then hold the handle of the spoon and press the edge of the spoon on the part to be scraped. Repeat the scraping for 15~20 times. The most common area of ??scraping is the sides of the back spine, which is the thickest part of the muscle. The bladder is going down, so the scraping is usually scraped from top to bottom. When scraping, divide the entire back into upper, middle, and lower sections. First scrape the upper section, then the middle section and the lower section, each section is scraped from the left side. In addition, 3 o'clock in the afternoon is the time when the bladder is on duty, and it is better to choose it at this time to stimulate it.
The bladder is in the same phase as the kidney. When people are old, they tend to have low mood, bad spirits, and decreased memory. This is related to lack of kidney. Often shaving the bladder can also make a good mood.
Mentally weak: Baihui + Sun
Baihui Point: At the intersection of the center line of the head and the line connecting the two ear tips. Temple: In front of the auricle, on both sides of the forehead, above the extension of the outer corner of the eye.
Method: There are three methods for head scraping. First, the comb is combed from front to back from the front to the back. Mao Zedong is so scraped. In the morning, the comb is awake. Second, from the middle of the head, scraping in all directions. The Baihui is the center, and the whole head is relaxed and scraped. Thirdly, the head is scraped forward in the middle, the head is scraped backwards in the middle, and the temples on both sides of the head are scraped backwards. Promote blood circulation in the head, make your mind clear, and enhance your memory.
Tip: If you have nothing to do, scratch or smash, but the intensity is light.
Neck and shoulder pain: wind pool + shoulder well
Fengchi Point: Parallel to the earlobe on both sides of the big gluten behind the forehead, the two pits behind the head and the lower head are the acupoints; the shoulder hole: at the midpoint of the line between the Dazhui and the shoulder, the highest point of the shoulder.
Method: The wind pool is scraped from the top to the bottom of the skin, and is scraped all the way to the shoulder well. Then, in the direction of the shoulder, it is scraped from the inside to the outside. The place where there is meat is thirty, and the place without meat is twenty.
Tip: Adjust the angle with your wrist, move the forearm, and drive the scraper to wipe.
Cough and asthma: Tiantu + 膻中
Tiantu points: the midline of the neck, the central sag of the sternum.膻中穴: The chest is in the middle of the breast.
Method: Scratch from top to bottom along a line in the middle. Can also be scraped along the intercostal space, with the edges and sides scraped from the inside out, generally scraping ten times to twenty times, scraping the chest a little flushing.
Tip: The nipple areola and the unexplained mass of the breast are forbidden.
Bad digestion: Lieutenant + Tianshu
Zhongyu point: upper abdomen, front midline, 4 fingers wide on the umbilicus. Tianshu Point: 2 fingers wide in the umbilicus.
Method: The shape of the abdominal muscles is from top to bottom, and the blood vessels are also like this. Some people scrape from the inside out to lose weight. The more the meat is scraped, the more the scraping of the abdomen should be from top to bottom.
Tip: The poor bowel function is scraped under the navel, and some lesbians also have a bad dysmenorrhea.
Blood and Liver: Blood Sea + Sanyinjiao
Blood Sea Acupoint: Bend your knees, cover your knees with your palms, with your fingers pointing up, your palms open naturally, and the place where your thumb is most fleshy; Sanyinjiao: Located on the inside of the calf, 4 fingers on the ankle.
Method: From the inner side of the lower limbs, the blood sea acupoints have been scraped until the Sanyinjiao point, from top to bottom, the middle should not be paused, once finished, until the skin is red, and the subcutaneous purple freckle is formed. Often shaving Sanyinjiao can play the role of nourishing blood and nourishing the liver.
The three major health effects of scraping
Blood circulation:
Scraping regulates muscle contraction and relaxation, and the interstitial pressure is adjusted to promote blood circulation around the tissue. Increase the flow of the organization, thus playing the role of "blood-activating blood stasis" and "new birth".
Adjust yin and yang:
The scraping has a significant effect on adjusting the yin and yang balance of the visceral function. For example, the peristalsis of the intestines, the use of scraping techniques in the abdomen and back can inhibit the hyperthyroidism and return to normal. Conversely, those with reduced bowel function can promote their normal peristalsis. This shows that scraping can improve and adjust the function of the viscera, so that the yin and yang are balanced.
Muscle tension and pain often cause a causal relationship. Scraping treatment eliminates painful lesions and muscle tension is eliminated. If the muscles are relaxed, the pain and compression symptoms can be significantly alleviated or disappeared, and the lesions are repaired.
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